Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Emotional Transformation

In the days leading up to Yom Kippur, there was to me a palpable sense of the gravity of the Aseret Y'mei Tshuva (Ten Days of Repentance) that fall between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Immediately after Yom Kippur, sukkot began springing up on balconies, in back yards, and in front of restaurants. The mood around town was transformed from that of awe and solemnity with an eye toward the approaching Yom Kippur. Now, there is an equally palpable sense of joy and anticipation of the holiday that is called in the liturgy zman simchateinu (time of our happiness, more about that on the T'fillah blog). Until this week, I have appreciated the transformation, but I have never been able to see it occur.

I had the pleasure earlier this week of going to the arba minim shuk (four species market) to purchase my lulav and etrog. Usually I order from a local synagogue and pick up the assembled materials before Sukkot begins. However, this time I got to select which I wanted. I must have looked at over 100 lulavim (palms), hadasim (myrtles), and etrogim (citron), before I found the ones that I thought were the most beautiful and permissible by halacha (Jewish Law). I certainly did not want to purchase any pasul (disqualified) items. Here is a link to my Facebook album where you can see some of the selection process, the photos above and below will give you a good idea.

This morning, I awoke to a sort of pit-pattering sound. It was rain! A very light and very short rain shower passed over Jerusalem. This was the first time I have seen or felt water falling from the sky since early July, when I was still in the United States. Next week we will say the prayer for rain, which I will address more thoroughly as we get closer.

So here's to a week of meals in the sukkah, happiness, and rejoicing before God!
Chag sameach!

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